Tuesday 17 January 2012

I am not invisible anymore introduction

I'm not invisible anymore. There are probably many people out there who won't be happy with this, and many who will applaud me for this. Society doesn't like people like me. I don't fit the mold. I don't fit two molds I don't fit the "Normal mold" and I don't fit the "Persons with physical disabilities mold.". Here is something society hates, when someone doesn't fit their precious molds. See I have several invisible disabilities, you can't see them. Nope. Not at all. And it will shock you the number of people who can't stand that, well maybe it won't.

I am not invisible anymore. I am not silent anymore. I am not helpless. I AM NOT INVISIBLE.
What I am is a person, a strong individual, intelligent and creative.  This blog is my attempt to create visibility to invisible disabilities, to create awareness, share my experiences good and bad, and create resources for others in my situation.

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